Are You Using the 4 Communication Killers By Mistake? 8/13

Are You Using the 4 Communication Killers By Mistake? 8/13
Are You Using the 4 Communication Killers By Mistake?
"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." ~George Bernhard Shaw
In the world of personal growth, we have many tools available to help us learn new skills in nearly every area of our lives, including communication skills.  AND... what if we are sabotaging our efforts without knowing it? Come learn about the 4 communication killers and how to stop them from blocking your most important communications.
Bio: Rebekah Lawes is all heart! Her passion for family is the driving force behind her work as a Family Life Educator and Certified Life & Relationship Coach. She loves to help couples relieve stress and embrace joy, energy, and love. Using laser focused communication skills and fun experiential activities, she helps them bring friendship back into their relationships.

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 08-13-2019 11:15 am
Meeting End Date/Time 08-13-2019 1:30 pm
Capacity 29
Registered 29
Remaining Seats Available 0
Location Twigs Bistro

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